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Spin-off Podcasts

Special thanks to the Military Misfits for their generous contributions to Cyberjunkies' content and casting.


Spin-off podcasters starting in July:


Kiki's Playmates:


Ep1: Air Bonehead

Ep 2: New England Reunion​

Ep 3: Stride-stasy​

​Ep 4: Test Guy

​Ep 5: Post Aussie Breakfast​

Ep 6: First Time Snow Job​


Dingo Auspex's "Auspexians":


Episode 1

Episode 2

Episode 3

Episode 4

Episode 5

Episode 6


Dingo Diego's "Hiker Dude":


Episode 1

Episode 2

Episode 3

Episode 4

Episode 5

Episode 6


Lady See's Eight Ball:


Ep. 1: Introduction

Ep. 2: Initiation

Ep. 3: Stepping Up


Eiwan's Ladies:


Ep. 1: Introduction


Efwan's Ladies:


Ep. 1: Introduction


Coffee with Clarice:


Ep 1: Intro

Ep 2: Brad

Ep 3: Tech ladies


Coffee with the Laplander:


Ep 1: Intro

Ep 2: Message for enabler

Ep 3: Gallerycast


Many more:


Ep 1 Top Wursts


Ep. 1 Lady See Eleven


Ep. 1 Dorchester Ladies' Salon


Ep. 1 Point Babe's Salon


Ep. 1 LA Lady's Podcast: Orgasmatron


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